“Customizable Stone Turret v1.3”

Surfing the internet, I found a nice ‘stone turret‘ created by ‘drxenocide’ using OpenSCAD.

The stone turret uses basically a ’trimmed wedge’ shape, copied many times:

This is great, using one ‘custom’ shape, generating an object. And since it’s also time to play around with OpenSCAD, why not (try to) improve this turret? Let’s read/try the well documented OpenSCAD tutorial…

After a while, it was time to upload a new stone turret version:

Added some new features:

  • Optional door opening (doorheight, doorwidth)
  • Circulair wedge brick for door top
  • Half stone wedges next to the door opening
  • Optional stair (stairwidthratio)
  • Crown floor with stones
  • Crown height (num_top)
  • Updated to angled wedge bricks, with overhang angle option (overhanglengthfactor)

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