Trains & Tracks
Flex Tracks for trains
Let’s try something a bit different: creating flex tracks with OpenSACD, which are compatible with the Duplo train system. Since this module should be so simple, it doesn’t require the…
Train track funnels
This train track funnel customizer is most complex version of all. The funnel starts with one defined entrance, but could have countless end points. The end points are defined as…
Train crossings
After building some straight & curved tracks, let’s increase complixity: train crossings. This customizer has some predefined shapes: Sample crossings: Parameters Dependicies This customizer uses the Building Block Generator. So…
Train Tracks & small bridges
Time for another customizer, let’s make some standard tracks for trains. The customizer mainly creates: Dependicies This customizer makes use of other tools: Parameters Track parameters: Ramp parameters: Geometry parameters:…