Edilizia Moderna was made in Italy by E. Boschi as the founder of Cartoccino in Monza. The company was active from 1926-1936.

Edilizia Moderna was a system for construct buildings, using a base plate, wooden pillars and cardboard doors & walls. It was most likely sold around 1929 till 1933.

The company was very famous throughout Italy for the foldable cardboard toys they produced.

More information:

  • “Edizioni Cartoccino Monza” – Carroccio Publishing House – by Ettore Simone Boschi (Moneglia, 23 November 1874 – Milan, 18 May 1955)

Boxes & content series 1(?)

Box no.1 (3×3)

Boxes & content series 2(?)

Box no.2 (3×4)
Edilizia Moderna – Box 4 (also 5×8 base plate)

There seem to be 2 or 3 different series, each with varying box sizes. The higher the box number, the bigger the base plates. Base plates identified so far: 3×3, 3×4 or 5×8. Also panel textures differs and some are open and some closed.

Some system characteristics

Here a short list of some system characeristisc and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:

Part types:Original:Virtual:
Base plateCardboard
Thickness: 5.5 [mm]
Single color pieces
ColumnsWood 13×13Single color pieces
Thickness: 1.0 [mm]
Typical wall panel95 x 70 [mm]
Bay size~77 [mm]75 [mm]
LeoCAD settings:
Draw line every X studs3
Snap XY5 [mm] (1/4 Stud)
Snap Z1 [mm] (1/20 Stud)
Rotations90 [deg]

There seems to be a mismatch in base plate. At one side, the wooden holes fit the base side very well, while on the other side, the distance between the square holes slowly increases, up to a half column widht!


I had the opportunity to measure box No. 4.
Here an overview of the parts found:

The single category, consists of these unique parts:

Part types:Numer of parts:
Base plates1
Total parts:20

Building in LeoCAD

Random building

I like the floor system, it’s almost similar to Pulko. Here there are only rectangular strips with holes, holding the columns together. And placing rectangular floor plates in-between, a closed floor is created. Way more simple and needing the least amount of unique parts, while it’s still flexible for creating different floor layouts.

Related products

“In addition to his political and military commitment, Boschi is remembered for the extensive publication of small novels dedicated to children, signed with the pseudonym “Nonno Ebe” and published between 1926 and the end of the 1930s for the publishing house “Il Cartoccino” directed by his sons Lorenzo and Luigi and also famous throughout Italy for the foldable cardboard toys it produced.”

Example foldable toy, by E Boschi, Cartoccino

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