Multibois, consists of couple of wooden elements, for building a houses. During building, plastic parts like doors & windows could be added too. There are some different building-theme’s sets available. These construction sets were created by the company Charton around 1972.

Although I like to focus more on older -none plastic- type of toys, this one is interesting, since it uses the same wooden construction principle like L’Edifice, so I just had to try this.

I could not find any documentation, besides some ebay advertizements, so if you know more, let me know.

Available boxes

Reference:Box name:Nr of parts:
7220Fort Laramie?

Building instructions

The one pager leaflet comes with step-to-step building instruction of 1 type of farm and some pictures of alternative farm like buildings. You basically start with the interlocking foundations strips. Then adding pillars, small walls, doors & windows and gables. On top of that, an other layer of strips could be placed. Finally the roof could be places, where the wooden pieces are clamped inbetween a special plastic rod.


Most parts are generic, although color may be different. “Ofcourse” every building type has it’s onw special parts too.

Some system characteristics

Here a short list of some system characteristics and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:

Part types:Original:Virtual:
Crosssection: 6×20 [mm]
Single color pieces
PannelsWood & PlasticSingle color pieces
Bay size60 [mm]60 [mm]
LeoCAD settings:
Draw line every X studs3
Snap XY8 [mm] (1 Flat)
Snap Z1 [mm] (1/20 Stud)
Rotations45 [deg]

Library information

Here an overview of the parts library:

Multibois based on parts from the farm.

Building in LeoCAD

An other nice toy! Both building in real life and virtual is fun. I also like the mix of different materials used. All materials making use of their unique material strengths, while the plastic parts are not overwelming.

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