Mobtabo, a wooden construction system, including pins. Manufactured by ‘Vos & Vos C.V.’ in Kampen, The Netherlands.


The game is patented in Germany in July 1949 by the manufactures. Most likely it’s never sold as a product. The manufacture even tries to sell the patent (source: Delpher: advertisment from 1953 “De Telegraaf”).


Montabo Box 0

According the manual, there are 3 different boxes.
Box sizes: Box 0: 53 pieces, box 0a: 96 and box 1: 149 pices.


Montabo parts from box 0.

The system consists of different columns with groves and some plates. All nice metric dimensions, which actual fits well. Including the pins, a well defined construction could be build. No clue about lengte of metal(?) pins. Most likely metal nails with diameter of 2 [mm] and 10 till 15 [mm] long.


Photographs of manual for boxes 0 and 1:

The manual is printed by “Koopman te Kampen”.
If you would like to share a propper scanned manual…

Some system characteristics

Here a short list of some system characteristics and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:

Part types:Original:Virtual:
Square <14.3-14.3>
Single color pieces
Square <19.3-20>
Single color pieces
Thickness: <3-3.5>
Bay size
D: 2[mm]
each 10 [mm]
10 [mm]
LeoCAD settings:
Draw line every X studs
Snap XY1 [mm] 1/20 stud
Snap Z1 [mm] 1/20 stud
Rotations45/90 [deg]

These columns have big tolerances, compared to many other systems.

Library information

Here an overview of the parts library:

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