‘Bouw Mee’ was produced by Albouw, headquartered in Baarn, The Netherlands and sold bij S.I.O., sales office in Amsterdam. Most likely sold in this period: 1949~1953.

The building system consists of wooden columns, wherein wooden fixtures and cardboard plates could be mounted. It’s also possible to create a nice flush bottom layer, inside the fundation trusses.

If you own a box and want to sell it, please let me know. I would love to try this one!

Other sources

More information: mobaco.nl/BouwMee
SIO, in relation to a cooperation with Albouw from Baarn.


Two boxes are produced: A1 & B1. They both consists of the same manual and a 1:1 drawing with all parts. Box B1 has 88 parts inside.


Manual from Mobaco.nl/BouwMee:


Most of the abbreviations could be refered to Dutch names.

Unspecified parts: Box BIII & box cover

Sofar box BIII is never found. Looking to the photo (and reference), it should also contain sqaure windows on ground level. This requires a new wall pannel (Z14 in library).

Looking to the front cover of the boxes, there are even more ‘unreleased’ parts. Basically the house in the middle is reduzed in size. Currently there are no parts found which fit.

Some system characteristics

Here a short list of some system characteristics and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:

Part types:Original:Virtual:
14×14 [mm]
Single color pieces
PannelsPainted cardboard
Thickness: 3 [mm]
Single color pieces
Bay size3 sizes
LeoCAD settings:
Draw line every X studs
Snap XY1 [mm] 1/20 stud
Snap Z1 [mm] 1/20 stud
Rotations90 [deg]
52.5 [deg] roof

Library information

Here an overview of the parts library:

Building in LeoCAD

So let’s build a nice example from the manual: “Kleine Garage met zadeldak”.
Showing the different building steps, for such a lovely building:

Building instructions – Bouw Mee.

A nice comparision, between ‘Bouw Mee’ and ‘Mobaco‘ (Jumbo series):

Comparison: Bouw Mee versus Mobaco

Seems like a well thought construction game!
Although I do have a little worries about those wooden pegs.
I would love to own such a “Bouw Mee” box and give it a try, if you know a box, let me know!

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