Construction toy, manufactured by Dutch company Moubal, between 1939~1941.

The full set consists of stamped cardboard material: trusses, floor tiles, walls & fences.

More information + manuals:


Patent (NL49313C) was filed by Harmen Elsinga on 27 January 1939 and granted in September 1940.

Boxes A & B

A colorful & minimalistic looking system, but certainly well thought out!

Some system characteristics

Here a short list of some system characteristics and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:

Part types:Original:Virtual:
Thickness: 2.5 [mm]
Single color pieces
Thickness: 2.5 [mm]
Single color pieces
Typical wall panel55 x 85 [mm]scaled
Bay size57.5 [mm]60 [mm]
LeoCAD settings:
Draw line every X studs3
Snap XY8 [mm] (1 Flat)
Snap Z1 [mm] (1/20 Stud)
Rotations90 [deg]

Library information

Here an overview of the parts library:

The single Elba category, consists of these part types:

Part types:Numer of parts:
Total parts:16

Building in LeoCAD

Elba: rebuilding front cover building of box B


I knew already, my DIY version was a little bigger, but today I got my own version of box B, which is ofcourse more fun.

I still like the system, how the trusses interlock with each. These trusses also supports the floor panels and walls panels. Since the walls are not interlocking, the building easily tips over, so it’s not very ridged.

Reconstruction parts

I just had to reconstruct & try this game!
Wanted to know the game play, although that was a bit disappointing.

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