Bâtiss was a wooden construction system to make buildings. The wooden parts were assembled using metal rods on a fibreboard base. Cardboard doors and windows could be added.

Invented by M. Louis Delval from France and patented in 1932. Manufactured by Louis Delval and Ernest Philippe, Flines-lez-Râches (close to Lille), France. Batiss boxes are sold during 1933~1957…

A plastic series is also manufactured in Flines-lez-Raches, by Pierre Bertha during 1993 till 2019.

For Batiss , there are 3 series indentified. Looking to the advertisements, series 1 is at least sold up to 1939. Series:

  1. Original Bâtiss series: 1932-1957: Using printed card board panels and 2 roof systems. → Digitalized.
  2. Second Bâtiss series: 1957-1960s(?):doors/windows are printed on wood and new roof system.
  3. Bâtiss Plastiques: 1993-2019: More recent plastic version.


Research by C. Mol and KW


FR734213A – 1932: Basic building system (1st series: boxes 1 & 2)

Roof consists of ‘standard’ wall elements:

FR767925A – 1934: Updated roof system (frist series: boxes 3 & 4)

Example 1934 invented roof system, now with steel rods, connectors and roof plates:

FR1169359A – 1957: Again updated roof system

Here an example of the newer roof system from 1957:

Image courtesy: jouetsanciens.fr

Beside the roof system, there is also a larger tower base shown in the picture, cardboard textures are green instead of red and the sills having different color.
Most likely, this lovely setup is a mix between series 1 & 2.

Boxes & content

Frist series – card board panels:

Red boxes are principle boxes (0-4) and blue boxes are complementary boxes (1c-3c). More information about the Bâtiss boxes:

Image from Bâtiss manual 3

There was also the possible to buy ‘Les Paquets Bâtiss’. These packages consists of additional parts, w/o buying a complete box:

Second series – painted wooden parts:

Third series – plastic range:

Series 1: Content of boxes:

Content box 2C:

Image courtesy: BW

Content box 3:

Content box 3C:

Manual of box 4 might not exist, but manual 3C does, includs 3 additional parts.

Including new components regarding box 3:

  • Piece 90: Corner piece, 4 wall height.
  • Piece 91: Bottom/top for an extension of big tower.
  • Piece 92: Gray cardboard that is used as a fake window (faux fenêtre), after assembly: 4 bricks high and 1.5 bricks wide.

Parts series 2 – box 1:

Series 2 – Box 1 (vinted.nl)

There are a lot of details shown. If this is an uncontaminted box, this must be series 2, including the new roof system from 1957. Also on the rod system is renumbered from 1 to 10. Renumbering makes sence, with these new/updated parts.

Differences series 1 & 2…

Renumbering parts:

Renumbering of parts…

B. & C. are coming from a contaminated box, with both printed cards & printed wooden parts. Most likely, A. & B. are from the first series, where B is coming from a 1C box. C. is most likely from series 2, same conclusion as previous paragraph.

Manuals – Bâtiss Boxes 1 & 3:

If you own different manuals (especially 3C/4) or other series, please send some (600DPI) scans! (I cann’t buy every box in the world..)


Some system characteristics – 1st series

Here a short list of some system characteristics and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:

Part types:Original:Virtual:
Base platesCardboard
Thickness 4 [mm]
Single color pieces
Rods2 [mm]Single color pieces
Thickness 7 [mm]
Single color pieces
Thickness: 0.6 [mm]
Steel plates0.4-0.6 [mm]Single color pieces
Bay size11 [mm]11 [mm]
LeoCAD settings:
Draw line every X studs
Snap XY1 [mm] 1/20 stud
Snap Z1 [mm] 1/20 stud
Rotations45/90 [deg]

Sills are sold in multiple colors: white, red, brown, unsure when which color is used…

Library information

Here an overview of the parts library:

Library consists of 92 different parts

Pushpin and screw-hook are missing.

Building in LeoCAD

Model nr. 141 Filla (Front cover box)
Examples from left to right: 86, 83,128, 149, 141, 40, 78

Some examples (box 1, 2 & 3) from the manuals, from the 1st series. I do like the system, both in real and virutal. It does have versatile building options and it looks nice. Both childeren also like it. So we will play this system more often.

Bâtiss has very simular game play, like the English counter version Bayko.

Related products:


Very nice looking bâtigarage, seems to be plastics parts.
If you have any information, please get in contact.


Next to Bâtiss, there is also Baticub, which is intended for younger children.

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