The Milton Bradley company, produced some different sets of cardboard houses in the earlies 1900s.
Actualy, these toys are more puzzels, then real construction toys. But I did still like the Bumpalow Town set. On top of that, it’s my sons (3y) favorite old game. Not realy building, just move the buildings around, creating different towns…
Boxes Bumpalow – 1931

Bumpalow Town, consists of six “easy builder” toys, which together forms a set called Bumpalow Town. It’s produced in 1931. For each building, the building order is displayed at the back of the lid.
I bought 5 out of 6, still missing the garage. Again, any scans for the garage would be amazing too! So again, converted these 5 toys into the virtual domain.
Unknown bumpalow buildings/upgrades

Here on the left, you see 2 other ‘upgraded’ Bumpalow buildings: garage & store. If you have any more information about these, let me know.
Some system characteristics
Here a short list of some system characteristics and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:
Part types: | Original: | Virtual: |
Cardboard | Thickness: 3 [mm] Some are painted | Single color pieces |
Building in LeoCAD

Still need to add the textures and the garage…
Related toys:
Milton Bradley’s toy village – 1909

I don’t know, if this was Bradley’s first set. If you want to send me some scans (perferably 600DPI), that would be amazing! I will add them to the digital collection too.
Milton Bradley Toy Farm Play Set – 1930

An other card board set is this farm play set. Again, any scans would be amazing.
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