Corus – Le Jouet Bâtimétal

Building construction game, using metal plates and wooden columns. A French system, which was introduced around 1924 by Le Jouet Bâtimétal, Paris, France and sold up to at least 1948.


Boxes & content

The appealing part from this box, next to the colorfull parts, is the possibility to make craftsmanship type walls and also overhang structures, like the swiss chalet on the front cover.
The box appears to come with a grid, which helps on building walls.

The box from Collectiontoys, seems to have windows & doors which could be opened. If you have scans / more info about this box, let me know.


There is only one manual, with example buildings for the 3 boxes: 00, 0, 1.


Image courtesy: – 1948 Bon Marché catalogue

Corus, amongst Assemblo & Meccano construction games, in the 1948 Bon Marché catalogue.

Some system characteristics

Here a short list of some system characteristics and how it’s retrofitted into the virtual LeoCAD library:

Part types:Original:Virtual:
Columnswood, 12×12 (?)Single color pieces
Pannelssteel, typical 42×42 [mm]Textured
Roof stripssteel
thickness: 3 [mm]
Single color pieces
Bay size49 [mm]49 [mm]
LeoCAD settings:
Draw line every X studs3
Snap XY1 [mm] (1/20 Stud)
Snap Z1 [mm] (1/20 Stud)
Rotations45 [deg]


Here an overview of the parts found & re-contructed (thanks to C. Mol):

The single category, consists of these unique parts:

Part types:Unique parts:
Panels 27
Other parts6
Total parts:53

Building in LeoCAD

Buildings from manual: page 14 (box 00) & page 23 (box 1)

This is a nice concept. I like the possibility having some different construction directions. With the game it’s also possible to use the pieces more like a contruction game, building airplanes, furnature etc.

Although my 3 year old son, directly started to play with the half build house, building was somewhat disappointing. The metal parts were warped and little sharp. Although it’s possible to stick them in de wooden beams, it was difficult to get it right. Maybe I’ll try another day, when I’ve plenty of time available…

Other products from Batimetal

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