Old wooden construction toy, produced/distrubted(?) by Revenaz & Tabernat (RT), Paris, some where between 1900-1910.

Images from ebay

Box size: 42 x 28 x 8 cm.


Consists of more then 420+ similar wooden parts and one hammer:

Image from ebay

Parts seem to be: 6.5 x 1.1 x ? cm.

The plans

Image from ebay

Library & LeoCAD

Well it might be obvious, that this will be the smallest sized library, with only one part… And it’s basically even more complex, then the current Kapla invasion.
So what could we build with this?

Related toys:

Construction Rustique – Moskowa

What’s interesting about this ‘Moskowa’ set, it has multiple grooves at the sides, like Thuringia set, while all other ‘Construstion Rustique’ parts, seem to have 1 groove only at the end of the wooden bar.

Construction Perfecta (1930?)

A very similar system: construction perfecta: “NK Atlas Jeu France Le Petit Menuisier Construction”.

Construction Perfecta (1930)

A very similar system: construction perfecta: “NK Atlas Jeu France Le Petit Menuisier Construction”

Images from ebay


And an other very similar system, this time colored interlocking blocks:

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