To build something, you need tooling. Posts listed here are just about that.
Core XY printer
Currently there is a hype in changing a FDM printers into a multi print head system, like ZGE Mark2. With my Ultimaker 2+ this is quite challenging: A core XY…
Dual material/color printer
Ultimaker 2+ printer is a great tool to own. The printer still always works. But it lacks a second color (/material) option. The 1st generation UM2+ printers were already prepared,…
Laser cutter
The DIY CNC milling machine is nice, but working with plating requires different tooling. Why not build a laser cutter myselfs? After reading a couple of blogs about creating a…
DLP printing
August 2013: A while ago, I was inspirited by a nice movie from Oliveira Jose about a DIY SLA 3D printing device, working with a (modified) DLP beamer. I had…
CNC milling
For a while ago, I wanted to create a big cnc router. So I needed some tools to build this. Therefore I bought the HBM250, which is a mill-turntable combination.…