Many of the take apart trucks having customizable license plates. So these trucks could be personalized.
This lincese plate is generated within OpenSCAD. OpenSCAD is a programming environment for generating 3D parts. Once a part is generated, this could ao. saved as STL-file.
Using this customizer is very simple:
- Install OpenSCAD & load: “create_licenseplate.scad”.
- Change the ‘mytext’ parameter and optional ‘mysize’ & ‘myverticalmove’.
- Press ‘F5 Preview’.
- When satisfied with your design, press ‘F6 Render’.
- And then ‘F7 export as STL’.
- Print your file. Optional use a second color for the top layers.
Here a screenshot how the program inside OpenSCAD looks like:


Included with all trucks & trailors needing licensplates, see Cults3D collection.
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